Hunter Valley African Violet Society Facebook Page, click on f in the header
There is a wealth cultural information available on the internet, some useful links are:
African Violets for Everyone is Ruth Coulson's web site. Ruth is an Australian grower of many years and her site has a wealth of information on caring for African Violets.
The African Violet Society of America Inc.
Rob's Violets click on PLANT CARE for African Violet Care, lessons and FAQ.
Optimara African Violets click on More Information for Care Instructions and Doctor Optimara
The Gesneriad Society
The Gesneriad Reference Web
Links to Clubs and Societies in Australia
New South Wales -
- Hunter Valley African Violet Society Inc - meets at Cardiff
- The African Violet Association of Australia Inc. - meets at Burwood Sydney
- African Violet Society of Queensland Inc.
- African Violet Growers Group Inc.
- African Violet Society of WA Inc.
- Solitaire African Violets & Gesneriads Inc. Contact email
-Early Morn African Violet Group Inc meets in Melbourne.